Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last day at the Orphanage

Today was our last day at the orphanage, and the most difficult of all the days. We threw a party as our goodbye and a special treat to the children. We bought them pizza, coke, and banana splits. They were all so excited. Pizza is so excpenive so it was a huge treat for them. We were planning on dancing but we could not get the speakers to work so we had to skip that. Finally, the part I was dredding the most is saying goodbye. As soon as it got later and we slowly started to pack up, the children began crying one at a time. Kea a 11 year old boy started to cry first and he really began to cry. I felt so bad we just gave these kids 2 weeks of the best time ever only to take it away in one night. But as I sat in the tuk tuk giving out as many hugs as I could I relized it wasn't over. I am coming back, if it is the last thing I do. It was hard but I told them that when they missed me to look at the moon, because I will be looking right back at it. Saying Goodbye to these children has been the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I wear the bracelets that they gave me as a reminder of how talented and how much they really care about me. I could not stop crying as I left the orphanage in the tuk tuk, But I know that I will come back over and over again. It was not a goodbye it was a see you later.

Remember to always Love, Believe and Dream. Help the people around you and change lives!

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