Thursday, April 28, 2011

Only Love

 Its been a few days, since I have blogged last. I was sitting here with writers block, trying to fill all you in on what happened on my trip. I look around and I see a young Cambodian girl to my left and outside I see an even younger one begging for the smallest amount of money. There is a lot of traffic nothing like what you would imagine. You think New York can be bad this is much worse. The difference between the traffic in America and the traffic here, is that here, there is no accidents and back at home there would be 5 easily.I learned how little you need to be truly happy. I have become really close to PonLou. Which today I learned this entire time I have been spelling his name wrong. He is my age, he is so sweet. When he was young his father died, only to be left with his mother who was  a major drug addict. She would get so sick and PonLou would care for her like there was nothing left for him. PonLou only being 10 or 11 at the time was watching his mother who was his entire support system. Finally his grandmother stepped in and took him in because she saw how wrong that situation was. His mother died soon after. Not too long after the death of his mother his grandmother could no longer care for him and took him to the orphanage. After being at the orphanage for a few months, his grandmother died leaving him alone with only a brother. PonLou's brother was never around he has gotten in to illegal things and PonLou rarely to never hears from him or about him. Knowing the story PonLou has gone through and how he is still so sweet and so loving it breaks my heart. He is the smartest kid at the orphanage. He is one of three at the orphanage that were sponsored to go to private school. He is a kid that you really just don't understand why or how he could be so happy, but he is. He tells me everyday, "when you return?" (As in when will I come back), "I come with you?" (As in can he come with me). "I will miss you".
I have one day left with him and I really got attached. I came here to give the children someone they can look up to, someone that they will remember for the rest of there lives and to share all my love with them. But, I am leaving with me looking up to these children as my role models, they have integrity, love, kindness, leadership, courageousness, and so much more, I will remember these children as the children that changed my life forever, and most importantly I am leaving here understanding how it really takes so little to be happy, and to cherish who you have around you as they could be gone before you know it.

A quote that has stuck with me is as follows:
"One hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of car you drove, how much you had in my bank account, or what your clothes looked like. But the world may be a little better because you were important in the life of a child." -unknown

Remember to always Love, Believe and Dream. Help the people around you and change lives!

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