Sunday, May 22, 2011


I can not explain the love I feel for these children, or how much I miss them, because it is too grand for words. Although I can tell you I will be back to share more love, give more hugs, and feed more belly's. Everyday I end up telling my story at least 5 times, and every time there are tears. I just have to remember that to us it is so sad but to these children it is reality and they are happy that way. It becomes so hard for me to wrap my head around how happy these children are when they have no reason to be. I went on this trip to change these Children's lives, and I came back with them changing mine. These children mean the world to me, these children give me a reason to do good in the world and to start something that will change everyones life forever.
I am so thankful for everything I have accomplished for these children, but it is so hard for me to do the most simple tasks without thinking about them. I walk around and I see children whonare so umgreatful and I can't help to think that what they are just throwing away could be given to people who it would mean the world to! Sometimes I feel as if they could be forgetting me, until yesterday morning when, I received a phone call at 6:00am. I answered only to be surprised that it was children from the orphanage. I talked to PonLeu, who said "you told me that when I miss you, to call you, so I call you" I could not help but be so excited that they were all there and wanted to talk to me. I couldnt believe it, it made my entire week, knowing that they are out there thinking about what this group accomplished with them and how much of a difference we made in there lives. I plan to go back in either December or April but I will be back and soon for that matter.

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