Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Girls just want to have sun???? Oh and a boy

Today is Sunday for you guys Saturday. We have a free day to go have fun. This morning we went to the Killing Fields about 45 minutes outside of Phnom Penh. It was very sad we were actually on the land where 30 years ago a mass massacre happened. After the Killing Fields we went to the National Museum in the heart of Phnom Penh. There was a lot of Buddhas but not the short chubby guy, these were different. After the National Museum we went souviner shopping around town. After Lunch we headed to the Russian Market to continue our souvinere shopping. This was hectic but I got a lot done. After we were all done there we stopped by the Coffee Corner a "American" Coffee Shop where we bought Smoothies. The Watermelon is delicious you can sit there watching them make you a fresh watermelon frozen dream.You think Jamba Juice is good, you haven't tried anything yet. Now we are back at the Hotel and relaxing. I will blog with you all tomorrow. Love you and Good Night.

 Remember to always Love, Believe and Dream. Help the people around you and change lives!

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