Saturday, April 23, 2011

I burn tan, I swet alot, and I am here to make a difference. What's your name?

It is amazing how the sun drains so much of your energy. Today when I woke up I went down stairs to eat some breakfast before we headed off to the orphanage. I ordered the scrambled eggs and a fruit plate. These scrambled eggs are some of the best. They put some "who knows what" spice on it and a loaf of bread. When I say a loaf of bread I mean it. The fruit plate was delicious as well it had, bananas, asian pears, apples, mango, and dragon fruit. After breakfast our tuk tuk driver Lay (Pronounced: Lie) took us to the orphanage where we played with the kids for about 45 minutes. Than we headed off to the farm to finish the other half of the chicken coop roof. While we were on the farm, all the chickens were more friendly than they had been the days before. This one specific white chicken kept following me and liked to step on my feet. I am so scared of bugs and small creepy crawly animals, and the kids have picked up on it. Pon Lu (13year old orphan boy) thought that it would be funny to pick up a tiny lizard and throw it at my hair. I was screaming and jumping and screaming and jumping, Because I was so freaked out. Later I realize I have the tail of the lizard in my hair still moving even though it was unattached. Gross. After we had finished at the farm we headed back to the orphanage where Lay had been waiting to take us to the S21 museum. The S21 museum is a memorial museum of people who died, were tortured, killed and suffered badly during the Khemr Rouge. If you do not know what the Khemr Rouge is or the Pol Pot Regime is, I strongly suggest you read up on it. It is a lost peice of history similar to the Holacaust, but had more of a influence on the people and country today. After the museum we headed back to the orphanage where we played with the kids for another 3 1/2 hours. Now I am here at the internet rental cafe. It has been a long sweaty day and I am looking forward to having a cold mango smoothie at the guest house. It is 4:31pm my time so back at home it is about 3:30am. For my parents in florida it is about 6:30am. I love you all a ton and will blog you tomorrow. Srolange

Remember to always Love, Believe and Dream. Help the people around you and change lives!

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