Friday, November 4, 2011

8 Months later, and a Presentation.

Its been 8 months, since I was in Cambodia. Actually last year, last week, I was chosen to go to Cambodia. Its been over half a year, since I saw the children, and today when I realized that, my heart dropped. I miss them but wouldn't anybody? I presented to 7th and 8th graders at the Eagle County Charter Academy today and to see the pictures, to here there voices from the video, took me back to when I was there. Today and if you asked me about 2 weeks ago I wouldn't have been able to name the 3 girls who I spent lots of time with, but today, looking back I can name them and so many more. I guess thats all it takes is that little extra push. I am disappointed with myself, how could someone like me, who cares sooo much about the girls, who this trip means the entire world to forget. Well, I came with the conclusion that I didn't forget, I just didn't remember at the time. This is such a sudden blog, and random blog but I decided that if I begin blogging again, and continue telling you guys about my trip maybe, I can you guys just as excited as I am about my next trip to Cambodia in March! I will continue to blog, but for now... GET EXCITED! Because I sure the H am. lol
Remember to always Love, Believe and Dream. Help the people around you and change lives!